Source code for komanawa.gw_detect_power.timetest_slope

created matt_dumont 
on: 3/10/23
import pandas as pd

from komanawa.gw_detect_power.change_detection_slope import DetectionPowerSlope
from komanawa.kendall_stats import example_data
import numpy as np
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
import timeit
import sys
import os

# constants
nsims = 10
mpmk_check_step = 1
mpmk_efficent_min = 10
mpmk_window = 0.05
nsims_pettit = 2000

# iterables
methods = DetectionPowerSlope.implemented_significance_modes
ndata = (50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000)
efficency_modes = (True, False)

[docs] def timeit_test(methods=methods, ndata=ndata, efficency_modes=efficency_modes, n=1): """ run an automated timeit test, must be outside of the function definition, prints results in scientific notation units are seconds :param methods: list of methods to test :param ndata: list of data sizes to test :param efficency_modes: list of efficency modes to test :param n: number of times to test :return: """ py_file_path = __file__ print(py_file_path) d = os.path.dirname(py_file_path) fname = os.path.basename(py_file_path).replace('.py', '') sys.path.append(d) out = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ndata, efficency_modes], names=['n data', 'efficency_mode']), columns=methods) for nd, emode, method in itertools.product(ndata, efficency_modes, methods): print(f'testing: {method=}, {nd=}, {emode=}') fn = f'run_model' t = timeit.timeit(f'{fn}("{method}", {nd}, {emode})', setup='from {} import {}'.format(fname, fn), number=n) / n out.loc[(nd, emode), method] = t print('{0:e} seconds'.format(t)) return out
def run_model(method, ndata, emode): if method in ['linear-regression', 'mann-kendall', ]: x, data = example_data.make_increasing_decreasing_data(slope=0.1, noise=0, step=100 / ndata) use_noise = 5 elif method in ['linear-regression-from-max', 'mann-kendall-from-max', 'n-section-mann-kendall']: x, data = example_data.make_multipart_sharp_change_data(slope=example_data.multipart_sharp_slopes[0], noise=0, unsort=False, na_data=False, step=100 / ndata) use_noise = example_data.multipart_sharp_noises[1] elif method in ['linear-regression-from-min', 'mann-kendall-from-min', ]: x, data = example_data.make_multipart_sharp_change_data(slope=example_data.multipart_sharp_slopes[1], noise=0, unsort=False, na_data=False, step=100 / ndata) use_noise = example_data.multipart_sharp_noises[1] elif method == 'pettitt-test': data = np.zeros((ndata)) + 10 data[len(data) * 3 // 4:] = 8 use_noise = 5 else: raise ValueError(f'unknown method {method}') expect_slope = 'auto' if method == 'n-section-mann-kendall': expect_slope = (1, -1) dpc = DetectionPowerSlope(significance_mode=method, nsims=nsims, min_p_value=0.05, min_samples=10, expect_slope=expect_slope, efficent_mode=emode, nparts=2, min_part_size=10, no_trend_alpha=0.50, mpmk_check_step=mpmk_check_step, mpmk_efficent_min=mpmk_efficent_min, mpmk_window=mpmk_window, nsims_pettit=nsims_pettit, ) out = dpc.power_calc(idv='test', error=use_noise, mrt_model='pass_true_conc', true_conc_ts=data) if __name__ == '__main__': data = timeit_test() data.to_csv(Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('timeit_test_results.txt'))